A Crystal Clear Sky And Kind Conditions At Ben Nevis 2015

Photos by Sean Rice
ben-nevisStanding at 1,344 metres (4,409 ft) above sea level, Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the British Isles and its name, although having a variety of translations, is sometimes known as ‘The Mountain with its head in the clouds’. What a spectacle then on Saturday 5th September when the only clouds visible where those above Eugene Mc Cann. A crystal clear blue sky, hardly a breath of wind and temperatures in the mid teens were the conditions that awaited the group from Newcastle Ac who travelled to Scotland to compete in the annual Ben Nevis race. Continue reading

The 2015 Montane Lakeland 100


Good luck to Phil Hodge who is competing in the Montane Lakeland 100 today. The race starts at 6pm from Coniston in the English Lake District and follows a clockwise 105 mile loop of the lakes and fells. His progress can be followed on http://www.lakeland100.com/. Phil’s race number 141.

Snowdon International 2015

Well done to Seamus Lynch and Ian Bailey who competed as part of the Northern Ireland team at Snowdon at the weekend. Seamus finished in 1:18:14 (22nd place) and Ian crossed the line in 1:20:04 (31st place). The race was won by Italian athlete Emanuele Manzi in 1:10:18 (1st place). Full Results. Report by Ian Bailey.

”Blue Moon Walk” to support “Mourne Mountain Rescue Team”

“Blue Moon Walk” up Slieve Donard to support the “Mourne Mountain Rescue Team”

Friday 31st July sees a “Blue Moon”, which is, the second full moon in the same calendar month. To celebrate this rare event, we have decided to walk from Donard Park to the top of Slieve Donard, where we intend to enjoy light refreshments & hopefully view this spectacle (weather permitting). Continue reading