Red High 10k/5k Relay and Walk 2017

Race Results

Saturday 21st October 2017
10K Walk:
11:00am (Registration in St. Patrick’s Grammar School from 10:15am)
10K/5K Relay: 12:00 noon (Registration in St. Patrick’s Grammar School from 11:15am)

Parking will be available on the school grounds from 10:00am, as will changing and showering facilities. There will be medals for all finishers and prizes for category winners, maybe even a few spot prizes! After the race, there will be well earned refreshments in the school canteen. 


Ford 5K 2017

Building on the success of last year’s event, Conor Maginn, Marc Reid and David McKibbin, Bryansford and Down Senior football players, joined with Newcastle AC’s Frank Cunningham, Mari Troeng, Deon McNeilly and David O’Flaherty to launch the Ford 5K. The race starting and finishing at the clubrooms, follows a fast and flat route through Newcastle town centre.

Race Director, Eamon McCrickard (second left), invites everyone to join in the race which takes place on Saturday 22nd July. Entry fee is £10. For information on how to register contact Eamon McCrickard on 07709433940.

Entrants must be aged 12 and over.
Refreshments will be provided in the club after the race.

NBH Afternoon of 5K PBs

North Belfast Harriers are holding an afternoon of 5K track races on Saturday the 29th of July at the Model Boys Athletics track in North Belfast. There will be 9 races available which will cater for a range of expected completion times. CLICK HERE for more information.

Ford 5K 2017

Bryansford GAC are hosting a 5k road race around Newcastle on Saturday 22nd July 2017.

The race will begin at 12noon from the club and the cost of entry is £10.

Please note that the minimum age to take part in the race is 12.

The race is being organised by club member Eamon McCrickard. If anyone is available to help with registration and finish line, please contact Eamon McCrickard (

Entry Forms can be downloaded using the links below.

Senior Registration FormJunior Registration Form

Building on the success of last year’s event, Conor Maginn, Marc Reid and David McKibbin, Bryansford and Down Senior football players, joined with Newcastle AC’s Frank Cunningham, Mari Troeng, Deon McNeilly and David O’Flaherty to launch the Ford 5K. The race starting and finishing at the clubrooms, follows a fast and flat route through Newcastle town centre.

Race Director, Eamon McCrickard (second left), invites everyone to join in the race which takes place on Saturday 22nd July. Entry fee is £10. For information on how to register contact Eamon McCrickard on 07709433940.

Entrants must be aged 12 and over.
Refreshments will be provided in the club after the race.