McGrady Financial Services Junior XC at Delamont Country Park

After the usual bustle getting athletes signed up, the host team of EDAC parents and coaches swung into action to get the packed schedule underway. The P4 and under race is always a big draw particularly with the girls. 17 girls took part in that age group so it was a full on battle with a string of girls coming in each a mere second apart. It was Saoirse Morgan of Burren AC who took first place with Anna Kelly and Mary Houston of Newcastle battling right to the line for 2nd and 3rd place in that order. The boys were let off next and zipped round the 500m course in no time and with only Newcastle on the books they were fighting for in club bragging rights. Harry McVeigh slipped a lead on Joseph Uhomoibi for the honours and Connaire Og McVeigh was in 3rd place.


The P5 Boys had Darragh Ruddle Newcastle in first place one second ahead of club mate Conall Kelly. Jarlath Kearne  (East Down) who is improving by the day was a good 3rd. There was a good scrap between 5th 6th and 7th place in which excited the onlookers. William Taylor of EDAC managed to hold off Ronan Grant with a spirited surge on the hill sprint. The P5 Girls’ podium was split between 3 clubs. Murlough in first with Maisie McVeigh who lead from the off, Dromore in 2nd (Maisie Nicholl) and East Down in 3rd (Caragh Moore).  In the P6 Boys, Henry Houston of Newcastle ran strongly to finish first with Aaron O’Boyle in hot pursuit. Rory Morris still fairly new to cross country gave EDAC a third place slot. The P6 Girls was again a Newcastle one and two with Erin Easton having the edge over Sarah Uhomoibhi. Dromore took third with Hannah Topping.

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AGM – Monday 13 January, 8pm, Avoca Hotel

All members are invited to attend the club’s AGM on Monday 13 January in the Avoca Hotel, Newcastle at 8pm.

The purpose of AGM is to elect a new committee for the coming year, it would be great to see new members joining the committee.
If you are nominating someone please ask them first.

At the AGM the clubs accounts will be reviewed and the membership fee set for 2020, following the review of the accounts members have an opportunity to ask any questions relating to the accounts.

While questions/suggestions can be put to the club committee at any time, questions/suggestions can be made at the end of the meeting.
If possible please submit AOB by email before 11 January to

2019 Committee (stored on club website
Chairman – Deon McNeilly
Vice Chairman – PJ McCrickard
Treasurer – Damien Brannigan
Secretary – Richard Rodgers
Additional Committee Members
Rita Devlin
David Hicks
Patrick Higgins
Pauline McCauley
Eamon McCrickard
Jack O’Hare
Mari Troeng

Time Trial 07/01/2020

Well done to everyone who took part in our 5km time trial on Tuesday 7 January. There were some very impressive times.

This marks the beginning of the Spring Training Block (Tuesday sessions will be posted in the next few days) until 7 April 2020.

Thanks to the Prophet and Francie for officiating.

Alan Strachan19:25
Benoit Le Houerou19:39
Brendan McQuaid17:22
Brian McVeigh18:02
Ciara Savage21:42
Fionn McKibbin22:05
Franky McGivern20:29
Gary McEvoy18:25
Gerard McAuley20:41
Gillian McNiff23:50
James King20:04
Jerome Farrell21:47
Jim Magorrian19:14
John 'Hen' Kelly19:46
Joe McCann21:34
Jonny Crutchley18:55
Kris Fegan20:23
Lorna Cunningham21:09
Mari Troeng19:09
Mark Keane 21:04
Mark 'Pavement Basher' Holland19:40
Mark Stephens16:53
Mickey Clarke18:46
Mickey Meehan21:02
Niall Goodman17:51
Nichola Kielty23:50
Nichola Watson19:20
Nicola Mathers23:20
Patrick Higgins17:50
Pearse McCann21:49
Ronnie Horrox23:12
Ruby McNiff21:01
Shalene McMurray 17:31
Stevie Rice22:39
Tom Crudgington17:20

Christmas Off-Road Running Report

Report by Hill Runner

Turkey Trot 2019

Christmas is normally a time for people to take it easy, eat and drink plenty and to put the feet up for a while. When most folk were busy doing this, the local running fraternity were gearing up for a week of off road running which sees three very popular races taking place. Boxing Day started it off with the Turkey Trot mountain race followed by the infamous pairs race (see separate Cracker report) on Saturday 28th and ringing in the new year we had Race Over The Glens in Co. Antrim on New Year’s Day.

Boxing Day dawned doom and gloomy after heavy overnight rain fell forcing organisers to cut the course short avoiding the open mountain section, much to the annoyance of some of the hardier mountain folk! The route followed fire roads through Tollymore Forest to the Trassey Track, which was like a river in places, with several knee deep icy cold crossings to be made. Staying on the Trassey, runners headed for The Hares Gap, where three hardy marshals stood guarding the dibber control ensuring it wasn’t going to be blown off the mountain. This was the halfway point and a very wet, slippery and mucky descent followed before returning along the Trassey back to the mountain centre. Continue reading

Crudgington Zooms to his First Victory at Tollymore

By The Grey Faced Runner

Tollymore Forest Park was the destination on Saturday as a small number of Newcastle and District AC runners put their toes to the line in the now annual Born 2 Run series.

Historically, Tollymore was known to have been included in seven and a half local townlands; however, going to press the Prophet could not be contacted to officially confirm all the townlands names.

Reports received by The Grey Faced Runner indicate that The Prophet is busy scrubbing the red road writing of the steep slopes of Ballymagreehans Playrock. It has been confirmed that “Higgins this is a hill” has now been fully removed; however the removal of “this aint no walking club” is proving a more difficult task. Continue reading