Four hundred teams registered in less than a week

An update on the 2019 Christmas Cracker by Bogusboy

The Castlewellan Christmas Cracker has become one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the NI running Calendar. This year, within one week of going live, over 400 of the 750 team entries have already been snapped up. Before long, the event will sell out and disappointment will reign supreme as many will miss the opportunity to take part in the most colourful spectacle of the festive period. Our advice is simple, book now to avoid disappointment. Please note that teams can be amended closer to race day if circumstances change for a registered team.

Why has this event become so popular, one might reasonably ask? I can recall travelling to Comber in the past (and finishing second with my erstwhile running partner Damien Brannigan) when there were very few teams taking part, despite the unique paired format of the race. However, since the event was re-invented and rebranded with a Newcastle AC twist, it has quickly established a cult status. There is certainly something for everyone. It is a fair test for the elite athletes, an opportunity for inter-club and intra-club bonding, an excuse to get some dubious fancy dress out and overall a great day of craic that ends with a bit of festive socialising.

Part of the charm is the unique opportunities afforded by Castlewellan to host an event that can be totally different every year and provide a few surprises. The Forest Park has the potential for a myriad of routes and retains the perennial element of surprise. This year’s course has already been decided and according to my sources will include ‘a few hills’. The Prophet has been spotted clambering over ditches, talking to local farmers over 5 bar gates, cutting back brambles and strimming lanes for a number of months. I have bought him coffee and scones in a stealth move to ascertain information that I can share with two types of people – those who ask and those who don’t!  Alas, my best efforts have been in vain and he is being extremely guarded and tight lipped and just chuckles dismissively when I make suggestions as to where we might be going. ‘Sure, you’ll enjoy it more on the day’ is the now industry standard reply to my persistent pursuit for information.

If previous years are any barometer, we will find ourselves in places that we never though feasible and we will enjoy every minutes of it. There will be a great atmosphere as the market town is festooned with colour and costumes of all varieties. We look forward to seeing everyone for what promises to be a great race – as long as you have an entry!!!

Online Registration and Full Race Details

Respectful Performances for Newcastle at Road Relays

By The Sheep Farmer
As the Newcastle and District AC contingent left home to travel to the 2019 NI and Ulster Road Relay Championships Buddy Hollys ‘Maybe Baby’ played loud and clear across the airwaves. Hosted by Oranagegrove AC at Victoria Park, Belfast the relay championships are one of the most prestigious dates in the provincial road running calendar. All adult runners are expected to run a two mile leg each with female teams consisting of three members and male teams consisting of four.
Enroute the Newcastle Athletes competing were left wondering Maybe we can make the podiums? Maybe the club gazebo will be there to keep everyone dry? Maybe local hotelier and tourism enthusiast Jack O’Hare will supply us with soup and coffee?
For the running purists this event is a dream as races across different age groups and different genders run from early morning through to the final race at 3.45 in the afternoon (senior men’s). Given Northern Ireland was battered by the remainance of Hurricane Lorenzo in the latter stages of the week the organisers must have feared the worse; however runners were blessed with a fine, dry and at times surprisingly warm autumnal day.

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Unfortunately, we have just been informed that the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Race in Kilbroney this Sunday has to be CANCELLED.

The council will not allow the event to go ahead due to the ground conditions.

We will be in touch in due course with further details on the rescheduled date.

We would really appreciate if you could share this message with those not on social media or emails.

The next race in the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series will take place on Sunday 24th November 2019 in Dromore Leisure Centre.

We look forward to seeing you all there and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Unfortunately, this was out of our control.

Rankin Round, First Aid Training and H&D Helpers Evening

Dear Members,

Jim Patterson is planning to run the Denis Rankin round during October.
If anyone would like to join him for part or all of the run, please give him a call on 07934180080.

First Aid training has been arranged for club members that either help with Juniors or help at Newcastle AC events.
The training is over two evenings 9th & 16th October at the Burrendale Hotel starting 18.30. Places are limited and will be allocated on first to reply.

Hill & Dale Helpers Evening will take place at the Toscano Pizzeria 19th October starting 19.00. Anyone the helped at any Newcastle AC event last year is invited to attend.

To book a First Aid or H&D Helpers Evening, text Deon on 07831684674.

Deon McNeilly
Club Chairman
Newcastle AC