Frank runs through the Wall in Berlin

By Marathon Man

After trips to the expo the fearsome foursome of Murtagh, Troeng, Cunningham and Higgins travelled to the Hasenheide Parkrun on Saturday morning all recording times under 25 minutes- and the slowest 5k times of the weekend.

After last years pb of 2:36:40 in Berlin, Higgins wanted to try and break the 2:35 barrier. Also representing Newcastle and District AC Thomas O’Gorman fresh from his victory at the Armagh marathon 5 weeks earlier was attempting to break the 2:50 barrier. Having broken the three hours for the first time last autumn, Cunningham and Troeng (2:57:07 and 2:59:18) went to the line with the intention of going for it and taking a large chunk of their pb’s. Murtagh (2:59:11) after another summer representing Ireland in Mountain Running had returned to the tarmac with the intention of another sub three run. Continue reading

Northern Ireland & Ulster Championships Road 10k

At the Bangor 10k, promoted by North Down AC, 20-year-old Patrick McNiff finished inside the top 10, in a very creditable 9th place in a stacked field in a massive new PB of 31:53. African Gideon Kipsang won the race in 30:15 with evergreen Declan Reed of City of Derry coming home in 2nd to take the Ulster & NI 10k title in 30:57. North Belfast’s Conan McCaughey was next in 30:58. Also competing for the club was another youngster, 21-year-old Daniel Molloy who fresh from a 34:39 PB at Laganside 10k found the Bangor course, along with a head cold tougher going, recording 35:45 in 32nd place overall.

Patrick McNiff ‘in the hurt locker’ around 2k to go.

Photos courtesy of Steven Donegan Photography

Newcastle AC success at the TJ McElmeel XC Cup

The first cross country race of the season kicked off in Palace Demesne in Armagh City, for the 2nd ever TJ McElmeel XC Cup. After a heavy night of rain, it provided perfect true and testing conditions. The McVeigh Clan made the trip over for the event, with the first race kicking off at 12:30 sharp with the Under 9 Boys. Following on from the success of the first McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Race last week, the McVeigh brothers Connaire Óg (7 years old) and Harry (6 years old) both performed outstandingly, finishing respectable in mid division. Both boys can be proud of their achievement and can only build on their success in the future years.

The success for Newcastle AC Juniors continued as Henry Houston and Erin Easton both had podium finishes, coming third in the Under 11 Boys and Girls Races.

The veteran Connaire McVeigh lined up for the start of the Senior Men’s 9km, which entailed 3 gruelling labs of the Demesne. It has to be mentioned that his last cross country was in 1993 when he still had hair like his younger brother Brian, who sadly missed the event due to warm weather training that included drinking white wine and eating pizza. Connaire finished in 12th position and 2nd V40, a result he puts down to the evening runs from Mast to Quarry with the local Hotelier.

Also, a mention to Maisie McVeigh who came in 2nd in the Under 9 Girls. A very enjoyable event that more could add to their event diary for next year.

Juniors – important information regarding Monday Night Training

Well done to those who made it to the first McGrady Cross Country Series in Castlewellan on Sunday, and a big thank you to parents who volunteered in the various roles.

Now that we have had a little time back at training on Monday nights, there are one or two issues arising that we need to remind parents about, in the hope that we can keep the children as safe as possible. Firstly, can parents please park in the upper car park along the top, and walk your child down to sign in. As we move inside for winter, registration takes place in the corridor outside the hall in the main school building at Shimna.

Children will not be allowed to leave the Hall at the end of the night unless a parent is there to collect them. If you wish for your child to be released without an adult, you will need to email written consent to the club by 1pm on Monday to allow us to facilitate this.

Training finishes at 8pm, and the lady who opens and closes the school for us likes to get locked up and go home (as do we all). Please ensure that you are there to collect your child on time.

Thank you to those parents who have informed us of your childs absence from training due to illness or injury. We wish them a speedy recovery and return to training.

If your child has a full training place, but has not been attending or is no longer interested, please get in touch. We are currently reviewing numbers in each hall, and do have a substantial waiting list.

Mourne 2 Day – 40th Anniversary Year

By the Terminator

The Mourne 2 Day, or Mourne Mountain Marathon is the only 2 day mountain marathon in Ireland. The event comprises of 2 long days in the hills, where you are required to be totally self-sufficient and navigate to each checkpoint that you are required to locate from the list of 6 figure grid references each team is provided at the start. It is a true test of fitness, navigational ability and endurance. In the event’s 40th year 188 teams entered – showing the event is as popular as ever.

There are 4 different categories (of varying lengths and navigational difficulty) in the 2 day event, and a 6 hour score event which takes place on the Saturday.

This year 6 Newcastle athletes took part in the event – 3 of which were currently injured but didn’t want to miss out! On Saturday the weather conditions were excellent with clear skies, albeit windy on the mountain tops. The Sunday was not so good – competitors that had camped out at the Silent Valley woke to misty, damp conditions and the weather continued to be poor the rest of the day. Continue reading

Annual Christmas Dinner 2019

Dear Club Member,

I have been appointed as Logistics Manager, Chief Inspiration Officer and Optical & Vision-Focused Ninja for the festive season.

The first task is to organise the Newcastle AC Annual Christmas Dinner. This has provisionally been booked for Saturday 14 December in O’Hare’s, Newcastle.

Cost is £10 per person.

We are limited to 70 places which will be given on a first come first served basis.

Payment and menu choices will be made via the club app at the beginning of October.

Watch this space for further details.

Joe McCann