Information for all members

Club run on Sunday is in Castlewellan at 8:30am (around the Christmas Cracker course).  Tea afterwards in Bilbo’s (make sure to bring some money!).

Tuesday session will be 2 sets of Hill reps around Drinahilly in Donard Forest.  Don’t forget your headtorch.

Club Yoga is on Thursday at 7:30pm in Shimna College.

Numbers need to be finalised for the club dinner on 17th December.  Thanks to those who have confirmed their attendance.  Could others please do so ASAP.

The club AGM will be on Saturday 3rd December in the Avoca Hotel, Newcastle at 7.30pm.  Light refreshments will be served.

Club Runs for week of 6th Nov 2011

The Sunday run this week will be in Castlewellan at 8.30am. This will be the first trot around what might be the course of the 2011 Christmas Cracker. Marty McVeigh will lead the run and the run will be followed by light refreshments (payable locally!) in Bilbo’s shortly after 10am.

The club session on Tuesday will be 5 x 1 mile efforts. The miles will follow the route of the 5 mile handicap. There will also be an alternative session at the same time in Donard Forest for those athletes with injuries that make hard road sessions difficult. Both runs will leave from the Newcastle Centre at 6:30pm as usual. Runners heading for the hills are reminded to bring their head torches and runners participating in the road session are reminded to be as fluorescent as possible!