Hill and Dale Series 2013 Race 7


Tough at the Top
By The Two Americanos

Another Thursday night and another Hill and Dale race, but unlike previous weeks, this was not just any Hill and Dale race. Last week saw the return of the Lough Shannagh Horseshoe and undoubtedly the Mountain race of the series. As described by a very knowledgeable person “an hour long summary of all that is good about fell running”. Continue reading

Hill and Dale 2013 Race 6

Results and Photos


Ian Bailey scored his second victory in race six of the Hill and Dale Series. This win means Bailey, Cunningham (Mourne Runners) and Bogle (City of Derry) each have two wins on the scoreboard.  There is no clear favourite at this stage.

Deon McNeilly was first to the top of Millstone Mountain.  Bailey was tucked behind McNeilly on the ascent but neither Stevie Cunningham nor Deon could catch him on the descent and Bailey free wheeled into Donard Park without either man in sight. Cunningham was runner up, followed by McNeilly and, just behind, the ever consistent Neil Carty took fourth.  Newcastle’s recent signing, Seamus Lynch, is definitely one to watch. He came in fifth, followed closely by David Steele, with both men completing the course in less than 40 minutes. Continue reading

A Tribute to Denis Rankin 1945-2013

The sad news of the untimely death of Denis Rankin came as a great shock to the fell running community on Thursday 16th May 2013.  In the days that have passed since his death, I have learned much about a man who lived life to the full.

Denis Rankin
Everyone who was fortunate enough to spend time with or even meet Denis would agree that he was a mountain man through and through.  His love of the mountains was evidenced by his prowess as a climber, an athlete, a fell runner and a skier. In short he was a legend, who was well known, highly respected and greatly admired by competitors in all of the above disciplines. Continue reading

Hill and Dale 2013 Race 5 – Moughanmore

A sad night on Moughanmore when we lost a legend of our sport
by Joe McCann

“I hope you are going to cancel the race because the weather is too good” observed one of the 181 athletes who registered for race 5 of the Hill and Dale Series at Moughanmore on Thursday 16th May. The weather had uncharacteristically changed for the better as the runners arrived for the first up and down open mountain race of the 2013 series. The sun was shining approvingly as the athletes were briefed just before 7:30pm in preparation for the climb to Pigeon, then on to the summit of Moughanmore before returning to the point from which they started. Continue reading

Hill and Dale Race, Moughanmore – Very sad news

The committee and members of Newcastle Athletics Club were saddened by the death of Denis Rankin during the Hill and Dale race at Moughanmore on Thursday, 16th May and extend their heartfelt sympathy to his wife Madeline, his daughters and family circle at this very sad time. Denis epitomised the spirit of the Hill and Dale and the mountain running community in Northern Ireland. He was a true competitor and above all else a true gentleman.  He will be greatly missed by everyone in the fell running community. A memorial service will be held at Windsor Presbyterian Church, Lisburn Road on Monday, 20th May at 2pm.

Hill and Dale 2013 Series Race 4

Results and Photos

** NOTE : Race 5 is at Moughanmore on May 16th. No race on May 9th. **

Binnian the beautiful

Slieve Binnian is the third highest mountain in Northern Ireland at 747 metres (2,451 ft). The name comes from the rocky tors situated around the top of the mountain. These very rugged crests of rocky tors make it easy to identify and boast some of the most scenic views in the Mourne Mountains. Continue reading