Hill and Dale Race 9


Annett goes the distance at Rocky & claims his Maiden Hill and Dale Title

Report by Steelers

Rocky 2012

In conditions more akin to the month of December, 143 brave souls took on what must have felt like a 3 round bout with Rocky himself rather than the mountain. Gale force winds and horizontal rain were just 2 additional elements the athletes faced.

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Hill and Dale Race 8 – Millstone

Results and Photos

O’Flaherty wins on Misty Millstone

by the BIG YIN

Thursday 7th June 2012 was scheduled for the 2nd ever running of the Deon McNeilly designed Millstone Race.  The weekend before had seen plummeting temperatures, the rain started on Tuesday and had not ceased all through Wednesday and Thursday. Winter had returned. The original design of Millstone Race starts in Donard Forest on the forest trails out onto the Mournes, tracks the wall to an ascent onto Millstone Mountain, descent to the quarry and back through Donard Forest. This 4 mile route with 1500 feet of climb requires the runner to possess speed, endurance, climbing/downhill skills and knowledge of the terrain. Clearly a race suited to Deon McNeilly of Newcastle AC who was hopeful of his 1st Hill and Dale win in 2012.  Continue reading

Toscano Junior Hill and Dale Race 3

The 3rd and final Junior Hill and Dale races will take place this Thursday 7th June. Races will start in Donard Park. Races are open to all juniors Primary 5 and above. They do not need to be a member of a club so bring your friends along.

Online Registration is now CLOSED
You can still enter on the night. Please download Entry Form and bring with you.
Junior Entry Form

Please note : if you have already competed in Race 1 or 2 you do not need to register again.

Competitors can collect their race numbers between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. Please arrive on time so as not to delay the start of the races. Remember that all competitors need time to warm up before the races start.

Volunteers are needed to help marshal the races. If you can help please let any of the junior coaches know asap.

Hill and Dale Race 7

Results and Photos

Lough Shannagh Horseshoe – Confusion Reigns

By The 2 Americanos

Yet again we’ve reached the point when we visit the High Mournes for the Mountain Race of the series, the Lough Shannagh Horseshoe. This year the route reversed, following the clockwise order of Ottt Mountain, Slieve Lough Shannagh,Doan Mountain,Carn Mountain and home. Although a more pleasant start, it does come with the sting of the steepest ascent last and for those with no prior route experience, an absolutely soul destroying experience. Continue reading

Hill and Dale Race 6

Results and Photos.

Temperatures soar as Annett turns up the heat in sun-drenched Tollymore

By Bogusboy

Incredible as it may seem, the 2012 Newcastle AC Hill & Dale series has already passed the halfway point after the sixth race, the Monument, in the beautiful setting of Tollymore Forest Park on a warm summers evening (cue Kenny Rodgers!) on Thursday 24th May.  It did not take much of a ‘Gambler’ to know that Andrew Annett would be odds on to record his third win of the series.  To add to the occasion, the second junior race, sponsored by Toscano Pizzeria attracted 60 Primary and post-primary runners who departed from the Monument to whet the appetites of the large crowds of spectators. Continue reading