Toscano Junior Hill and Dale Race 2


Overall Primary School Results
Primary School Results by Age Group
Overall Post Primary School Results
Post Primary School Results by Age Group

Report By Joe McCann
63 athletes ranging from 10-17 years old took part in the second race of the Junior Hill & Dale event of the season organised by Newcastle AC and sponsored by Toscano Pizzeria. In the heat of a balmy evening large crowds of parents and grandparents turned out to support the young runners as they tackled a 1km course for primary school children and a 2km course for the post primary athletes. Continue reading

Hill and Dale Race 5

Results and Photos.

Win number two for Annett at Moughanmore

by Pete Moss

As Messers Sarkozy and Dalglish contemplate a quiet life away from the public gaze it was, as if to fill the void left by these great men, that an almost forgotten ‘Hill and Dale’ figure made a memorable return to the stage last Thursday evening. And so it came to pass that the much maligned Joseph Aloisius Mc Cann took up the mantle of welcoming each and every runner to race 5 of the 2012 Hill and Dale series. Continue reading

Hill and Dale Race 4


Robbie turns the Clock Back at Binnian
by Roadrunner

Following the razzmatazz of the Slieve Donard race last Saturday and the weeks’ break from Hill and Dale, it was back to bread and butter with a favourite of some, but not others, Binnian to the Top.
I had concerns leading up to the race….yellow weather warnings issued by the Met Office and Angie Philips broadcasting about apocalyptic weather (she should be more concerned about her make up). Then, via the on line Hill and Dale registration, I received an email from the ether registering a former World Champion (Robbie Bryson) for Binnian to the Top…all is ok again. Continue reading

2012 Hill and Dale Race 3


Win for Andrew Annett at Slieve Martin

by Wingman

Low cloud cloaked Slieve Martin for the third instalment of the 2012 Hill and Dale Series and as the entry queue grew the rain began to fall with increasing determination.  At almost 1600 feet Slieve Martin is the also the first serious climb in the series and with quite a few of the more accomplished climbers missing, choosing to save themselves for the for the 13 mile Annalong Horseshoe on Saturday, the results were likely to be different from the first two forest races. A combination of a perceived tougher course, poor conditions and resting runners resulted in the entry being a little lower at 164 and is in no way a reflection of the popularity of the race Director! Continue reading

2012 Hill and Dale Race 2

Race 2 Photos by Dave Goddard
More photos by Alison Hill Photographry

Start of Hill and Dale Race 2

Photo by

No time to smell the flowers on the Azalea Run

By: The Big Fella’s Fella

This race in a previous guise was the Mountain Centre run, however with an ever increasing number of competitors, for safety reasons and ease of parking the start was moved to Tollymore car park. This race has often been tweaked so this year was no different with a couple of new technical single tracks thrown in. All the other races have a snappy name, e.g. Binnian, The Meels etc, so what better way to christen it than by calling it after its colourful run-in, the Azalea Walk. Continue reading

2012 Hill and Dale Race 1

Race 1 Photos
Senior Results
Overall Primary School Results
Primary School Results by Age Group
Overall Post Primary School Results
Post Primary School Results by Age Group
Junior Report

Here we go again.
Report by Dale Hillard

Another 11 weeks of torture, torment, and suffering and that’s only trying to decipher Bogusboy’s weekly ramblings! Good news this week is the afore mentioned is in Austria skiing, or that was the last reported sighting before he disappeared in a white-out.

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