Hill & Dale 2009 Race 9

Pilgrims And Pioneers At The Rocky Race

Results are on the results page or the link to your right. The photos are on the Gallery page.

Altataggart, or the mountain of the priest, in the townland of Leitrim just outside Hilltown is well known locally for its stone altar where masses where celebrated during the penal times. Less well known is the timed pilgrimage to Rocky, Tornamrock and Pierce’s Castle, a tradition which has been growing in popularity over recent years. Continue reading

Hill & Dale 2009 Race 8

Eddie triumphs at Loughs’hanna’h

The increased popularity of the Hill and Dale series, sponsored by Up and Running, has led to each and every race being fiercely competed right through the ever growing fields.  This has in turn led to the increasing regularity of another fast growing aspect of the event, namely having a run over the course on the Monday evening before the race.  Continue reading

Hill & Dale 2009 Race 6

Hooray for Haugh!
Results are on the results page or the link to your right. The photos are on the Gallery page.

The recent poor weather was the determining factor as many seasoned campaigners and novices alike made their decision about competing in the sixth race of the Up and Running Hill and Dale series – Hen and Cock.  Add to this a NIMRA championship race over the arduous Annalong Horseshoe less that 48 hours later and it becomes clear why a reduced number, 123 – the lowest of the series so far registered for this steep out and back course. 

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Hill & Dale 2009 Race 5

David is ‘King’ in the horizontal hail
Conditions could not have been any worse for the fifth race of the Up and Running sponsored Hill and Dale series. At 5.30pm as the race organisers left calm and sunny Newcastle nothing could have prepared them for the conditions that would face the runners at 7.30pm. Continue reading