Exciting news – Newcastle AC announces 3 Junior Hill & Dale races!

Last year we recognised the strange anomaly – that 15 year old athletes could compete internationally in Mountain Running, but there were no local races for them to train and compete in, before making this transition.

Newcastle AC came to the rescue and is allowing athletes aged 14 & 15 to compete in 3 races, to give them a flavor of our favourite series and help these young athletes prepare for full competition when they turn 16.

One of the races has been slightly shortened to comply with distance regulations for under age runners.

Junior athletes aged 14 or 15 at the time of the start of the Hill & Dale series will be able to compete in this mini series.

Junior athletes will start each race with the seniors.

The races are:-

Race 2 – Tollymore – slightly shortened race – 14 & 15 year old athletes will start with the seniors, but will turn at the boundary wall to join the descent route to the finish.

Race 4 – Binnian – 14 & 15 year old athletes will be able to run the entire uphill course!

Race 7 – Millstone – 14 & 15 year old athletes will be able to run the entire up and down course!

As an added bonus the N.Ireland Mountain Running Association (NIMRA) are offering the male and female winners of the series, a place on their International Squad for 2019.

NIMRA are also offering the male and females winners of the 16+ category a place on the International Squad for 2019 – however these athletes will have to complete 6 out of 11 races, just like the seniors (note – this only applies to athletes born in 2000, 2001 and 2002)

All junior athletes should comply with the same safety advice and equipment requirements of the senior athletes, but they will have the addition of a parental permission aspect that is included in registration – this will apply to all junior athletes.

This is particularly important at the Millstone race, where navigation can play a part in poor visibility.

At each of the 3 races, Phil Hodge will be available to answer questions that any new junior or parent might have about that nights race.

Please direct any enquiries in advance to philhodge@hotmail.com

Online Registration will close on Tuesday 9th April at 9pm, but will reopen after the 1st race is completed.

An athlete only needs to register once for the series.

Note – If an athlete is born in 2003 between Jan and April, they should contact Phil Hodge via the above e-mail in advance of Race 1 at Castlewellan.

Hill & Dale Series 2018 – Race 10

Race 10 Results

Race 10 Photos by Paul Fegan

Report by members of Newcastle AC

McCambridge shows the future is in good hands

Incredible as it may seem, the 10th and final race of the 2018 Hill and Dale series took place in sun-baked Donard Forest on Friday 22 June. With the major prizes already decided, the traditional season closer had the feel of the final day of the Tour de France. Admittedly, there was no champagne on offer at the outset, but there was a carnival atmosphere among the 243 competitors and the large crowd of spectators. The major talking point of the evening focused on whether the race the race would be over before the spectators would be eaten alive by the millions of midges that always turn out to support the event. Frank Morgan was observed to be smelling rather sweet and it was soon revealed that he had purchased a new repellent from Avon. This proved to be a most welcome improvement on his usual scent; a bottle that Maura won at the bingo in Ballykinlar in 1976!


The ‘Director’s Cut’ leaves no stone unturned

This is a night of tradition. There is the traditional distribution of prizes to those who have completed the series (and the insulting of those who have not and chance their arm in the hope of landing a coveted t-shirt!), the traditional presentation of the prizes to the various category winners and the traditional donating of all race fees to charity. The other long-standing tradition is the organising of the event by the long-standing club treasurer and Hill & Dale stalwart Mr Damien Brannigan. Anyone who knows this fine upstanding citizen will testify that he leaves no stone untenured in his meticulous preparation and is epitomised by the oft-used adage ‘the devil is in the detail’. Regrettably this year the race Director was unable to attend. Needless to say this did not prevent him from planning the event to the ‘nth’ degree. He found a suitable stand-in in the form of Deon McNeilly and provided his substitute with a list of instructions that were second to none. Regrettably space her does not permit the sharing of the missive, but suffice to say McNeilly was left in no uncertain terms about what needed to be done, by whom and at what time. McNeilly was so impressed that he is considering this being the blueprint for all future Hill & Dale races. The level of detail was so thorough that McNeilly was even able to get his cous cous served at the most ambient temperature when he returned home and began the task of constructing a late, yet nutritious supper! Continue reading