Junior Home International

After too many years to count (or at least mention in public), it was finally NIMRA’s turn to host the Junior Home International, which combines with the British & Irish U17 & U20 Mountain Running Championships

Greenhill YMCA was the destination, with all five nations at last able to attend. Some ‘bubbling’ of course was still needed but it was great to welcome our visitors to Newcastle, and our beautiful Mournes.

The Mourne weather seemed to think so too, with the mist and murk of the trial two weeks previously a distant memory.

After arrivals, by boat, bus, car and plane on Friday, it was an early start on Saturday for the race, with teams bused to Happy Valley and a field that had taken on something of a festival feel. Continue reading

The warning was Yellow on Meelbeg

From Yellow warnings of Thunder & Lightning, changing to warnings about rain, the Met office just couldn’t make up its mind.

Once the race organisers had contented themselves, that neither Thunder & Lightning, strong winds or heavy rain were any longer a threat to the athletes, the decision was made to mark out the Course, running over Meelbeg, with that long glorious ridge as the descent to the finish.

However, by the time the final markers had been placed, the fog had become so thick, that it was becoming a serious danger that the junior athletes would miss one of the 300 markers on the course and veer off in the direction of Fofanny Dam. Continue reading

NIMRA Slieve Croob Trial

Congratulations to all the Newcastle AC Juniors who participated in the NIMRA Trial on Slieve Croob.

Those who took part from Newcastle AC were: Tess McAleavey, Aoibheann O’Gorman, Ciara Savage, Alea Brannigan, Ethan McMullan, Yasin Brannigan and Tom Crudgington

Tom, Ciara and Ethan were selected to represent Northern Ireland at the Home Countries Championship in Ambleside this week. Wishing you the very best of luck from everyone at Newcastle & District AC!

Full details including results are available on the NIMRA website: https://www.nimra.org.uk/index.php/junior-trail-race-entries-open/

NI and Ulster Even Age Groups Cross Country Championships

Subject to changes in COVID advice, please see link below regarding NI and Ulster even age groups cross country championships.

This is for under 10,12,14,16 and 18 age groups, and is open to everyone (members and race only).

With very few races taking place this year and numbers capped, it is likely to be a popular race, and entries will close when the limit is reached.

If anyone is interested in making up a team, we need a maximum of 6 athletes (minimum 4) in that particular age group.

If your child is interested in running please email juniors@newcastleac.org ASAP and no later than Saturday 26th Sept @ 5pm. If we cannot get enough numbers for a team in your child’s category, you will be notified immediately and can still sign up as an individual. If you would rather not risk leaving it that long to enter then do get signed up immediately as an individual rather than missing out.

Hopefully all is explained in the link and it would be great to see a few Newcastle AC vests there on the day.


McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2019/2020 – Prizes

Newcastle AC Junior athletes recently received their trophies and prizes from the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2019/2020.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to hold this year’s annual Prize Giving Evening.

Thank you to all athletes and parents/guardians for your participation and support throughout the series.

We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors, McGrady Financial Services Ltd, for their continued support of the series since its inception in 2010.

Series Results for the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2019/2020

Series Results 2019/2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately we have been unable to hold the usual Prize Giving Evening. We have ordered Prizes for everyone who completed the series, and your club will be in contact with you soon regarding the collection of these. We would like to say a massive Thank You to the participants and their parents/guardians for all the support throughout the series – without you all, there would be no series!

We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors, McGrady Financial Services Ltd for their continued support of the series since its inception in 2010.

We will be publishing details on the plans for the 2020/2021 Series over the next couple of months on the Newcastle AC Website – www.newcastleac.org