McGrady Financial Service Junior XC Series 2014/15 Presentation night

Full Series Results / Report by The Non-Runner

Photos taken by Declan Rice and Graham McCauley HERE.

The McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series presentation night will be held on Wednesday 27th May at 7pm in East Down AC club house, Downpatrick. All club members are invited to come along. Even if you did not complete the Series please come along as everyone contributed to team points even by running 1 race.

Location Details:

Junior Membership Registration 2015-2016

Junior Membership Registration will take place tonight at 7pm SHARP in St. Malachy’s School Castlewellan for existing and new members.
Please read the Child Protection Policy and make your children aware of the contents. Print, complete and sign the Parental Consent Form to bring with you to registration tonight.

There will be a short, important talk before registration. All parents and children must attend talk before registering for membership. Please arrive on time.

NAC Child Protection Policy 2015

McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2014/15 Race 4

Photos (by Graham McCauley) / Race 4 Provisional Results
It’s a dog’s life
by The Non Runner

Our last race in the popular McGrady Financial Services junior XC series was held on Sunday 22nd March at a sunny and warm Kilbroney Park. Our hosts were Burren AC, the course was marked and the stage was set for our race which had previously been postponed due to bad weather. Along with NAC and Burren AC we were joined in our series by East Down AC, Dromore AC, and 3 Ways AC. Continue reading

McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2014/15 Race 3

Race 3 Provisional Results (Updated 29/01/2015 11:30pm)
Race 3 Photos

Report By the non-runner
East Down AC’s gazebo was resplendent and the racing routes were marked out to welcome all of the 216 junior athletes and their families.  Teams from East Down AC, Newcastle AC, Dromore AC, Burren AC and 3 Ways AC were represented in the latest McGrady Financial Services Junior cross country series.  After the unavoidable cancellation of our previous race due to the heavy rain, we all gathered in Delamont for our first race of 2015.  Newcastle AC’s juniors who attended seemed to have recovered from their partying the previous Sunday at our New Year party. Continue reading

New Year Junior Party 2015

The Late Late Christmas Party
Sunday 18th January 2015, The Toscano
by The Non Runner

IMG_3859I’m sure no-one noticed that we held our Christmas party in January, and if they did no one seemed to mind as our juniors, coaches and volunteers got into the party spirit at our annual social event.  Thankfully the juniors are better at attending events than their senior club counterparts, and we had 60 juniors with 15 coaches/volunteers all ready for party-time in The Toscano in Newcastle.

Behind the scenes myself and Pauline had taken on the organising of the party and we were very grateful for the quiz rounds submitted by the coaches and volunteers.  More on that later…. Also our parents had donated in their usual generous manner for the raffle.  This is the one chance that our junior athletes have to socialise and have fun together, in between attending races, and we know how much they enjoy their party. Continue reading