Toscano Junior Hill & Dale 2014 Race 1

Primary School Race 1 Results   /    Post Primary School Race 1 Results

Junior Race 1 Photos by Graham McCauley

Report By The Non-Runner
It was a beautiful, sunny spring evening in Castlewellan Forest Park and the stage was set for the first night of Newcastle AC’s Hill and Dale junior Hill and Dale series.

We interrupt your usual programme to present an appeal. Parents-spare a thought for the registration team, i.e. Debbie and me. There we were, from 5.30pm, not a sinner in sight. We were still registering runners at 6.40pm and the race was starting at 6.45pm. You can do the maths.

Normal service is resumed.
As a couple of hundred silly adults were making their preparations for the Wells Classic, we had almost 60 hardy junior runners about to brave the first race of our very popular Junior Hill and Dale. Continue reading

McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series Presentation Evening 2014

By The Non-Runner

On Monday 31st March at Shimna IC, Newcastle AC hosted the presentation night for the very popular McGrady Financial Services Junior XC. This series saw a new guest club joining in for the races.  Thanks to all from 3 Ways AC from Newry for taking part in some races and joining in the fun!

Junior Teams from Newcastle AC, East Down AC, Burren AC and Dromore AC competed in the series to win points.  This series is a team event and, whilst we acknowledge those runners who came out tops in the individual races, it’s all about the team prize.  Each runner who crossed the line contributed towards the final total which then decided who would take home the team shields.  The bets were off and the winners of the shields for Primary and Post-Primary were announced on the night. Continue reading

McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2013-2014

Presentation night for the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2013-2014 will take place on Monday 31st March at 7:00pm in Shimna College.

200 young athletes from Newcastle AC, East Down AC, Burren AC and Dromore AC competed in at least 1 of the 5 cross country races and 88 completed the Series by running at least 4 out of the 5 races.
We would like ALL juniors to attend even if you only competed in 1 race as you all contributed points towards the team prizes. Full series and team results will be published on website after the presentation night.

Tea/coffee will be available for adults on arrival.

Race 5 of McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2013/14

Not Dry in Delamont.
By The Non-Runner

Race 5 Results
Photos by Graham McCauley

Due to a major oversight in the annual leave booking system, all of the usual suspects of Newcastle AC’s regular registration team were absent. Obviously the manager wasn’t paying sufficient attention to the staff leave request forms and just let them off-or maybe we can excuse him as he was away with his family seeing Mickey and Minnie….”Hot Dog!” (erm apparently that’s Mickey’s catchphrase, according to a well known internet search engine…)
Whatever the reasons, we are very grateful to those who stepped in to help with the registration. Not an easy task, as the volunteers may have found out! Continue reading

Junior Christmas Party 2013

A Tasty Time at The Tosc
by Santa’s Little Helper
The Non-Runner is currently on holidays as she was under the false impression that, as this was not an actual race, there was no report necessary.  HA! How we all laughed at her silliness!!  Thankfully Santa’s Little Helper has stepped into the breach to cover up any unnecessary embarrassment.  (It’s still me folks, I’ve just put on a Santa hat) Continue reading

McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series 2013/14 Race 4

Well done to all the juniors who competed in Race 4 on Sunday in Kilbroney. Results are below.  Aplologies for having no times for the P4 and under race as the stop watch wasn’t started. Also below is the Series Team Points with only 1 more race to go.

Race 4
Series Team Points

Report By The Non Runner

On the first day of December we gathered in Kilbroney Park for the penultimate race of this very popular series.  The weather was overcast and dry, a very pleasant start to the month.  At this stage we would like to issue a disclaimer.


It has come to the attention of Newcastle AC and McGrady Financial Services that there have been NO incidents of inclement weather so far in this series.  It has therefore been deemed necessary to bring to the attention of all runners and their families that it MIGHT RAIN in January at our next meeting.  Indeed IT MAY EVEN BE A BIT WINDY at Delamont Park on Saturday 18th January 2014.  Our host club for that event are East Down AC, so please be advised that no-one is to be going haranguing Joe or Frank if it isn’t the fair weather that Newcastle AC and Burren AC have arranged so far in the series. Continue reading