McGrady Financial Services Junior Cross Country Series

Well done to all those raced yesterday. Photos by Mal McCann can now be viewed from the junior section. Results are also available now. More photos by Declan Rice will be available later along with report.

The 1st cross country race of the McGrady Financial Services Junior Series takes place tomorrow, Sunday, in Castlewellan Forest Park.

Thanks once again to the generosity of our sponsor, PJ McCrickard, there are fantastic prizes to be won:
* Newly designed medals for the first 3 boys and girls in each category at each of the 6 races of the Series.
* Overall Series prizes for boys and girls.
* Great prizes for those who complete the Series by running at least 4 out of the 6 races.

This weeks spot prize is a voucher for Hugh McCanns restaurant in Newcastle, compliments of Jack O’Hare.

The Presentation Evening of the McGrady Financial Services Junior Cross Country Series March 2011

A Fitting Finale to a Fabulous Festival of Fantastic Running

by Joe McCann

A large crowd packed into the Assembly Hall Shimna College on Monday 14th March to celebrate the success of the athletes who had competed so valiantly over the six races in the McGrady Financial Services Junior Cross Country Series. As the athletes and their parents assembled for the presentation they were entertained by a montage of photographs from the six races, expertly snapped by Mal McCann and Declan Rice. Continue reading

McGrady Financial Services Junior Cross Country Series 2010

The sixth and final race in the Series takes place this Saturday, 12th March, in Tollymore Forest Park at 11:00 am. There are still some Series winners undecided so there will be lots of battles to win the fantastic prizes up for grabs. The McGrady Financial Services Shields for winning boys and girls teams will also be decided. Newcastle AC are leading at the minute but it is a very close competition with East Down AC.

Results and Photos are now available. Check back for Report.

The Series Presentation will take place on Monday 14th March at 7:00 pm at Shimna College.

Junior News

The next race in the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series will take place on Sunday 13th February in Donard Park.  First race starts at 1:30 pm so come along and watch our talented juniors in action. With only 2 races left in the Series the battle is now on for Series Winners and Team Winners. The final race of the 6 race Series will be in Tollymore Forest Park on Saturday 12th March at 10:00 am. Results

Down Schools XC Championships 2011

Congratulations to Eoghan Totten, Aidan Hawkins, Ciara Gibson and Chloe Rooney who ran exceptionally well at the Down Schools XC Championships yesterday.  All four athletes have qualified for the Ulster Schools XC Championships which will take place on February 23rd at Mallusk Playing Fields. More details of the races can be found in the Junior Section.