Junior Update

Christmas Party Today

Toscanos, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Presents, Raffle, Quiz.

See you all there!

Unfortunately, we will have to postpone Race 4 until a later date due to the weather conditions.  We are hoping to go ahead with the Christmas Party, keep checking email and website for updates.

McGrady Financial Services XC Series:
Race 4 will be going ahead as planned unless there are extreme weather conditions which will close the Forest Park.  There are weather forecasts for snow tonight and tommorrow but we may not get very much.
Please check your email and website for updates.
Location : TOLLYMORE FOREST PARK          Time : 10:00 am

Christmas Party
The Christmas Party will take place unless we are all snowed in!
Location – Toscanos Time – 1:30 – 3:30pm

Junior XC Series – UPDATED

A record 98 junior athletes turned out for Race 3 of the Series on Sunday 14th November in Delamont Country Park.  Race 4 will take place on Saturday 18th December in Tollymore Forest Park.

The 4th race of the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series takes place on Saturday 18th December in Tollymore Forest Park.  The first race will start at 10:00 am.  See our junior section for more details.  Junior Christmas Party will take place after the race.

The 3rd race of the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series takes place on Sunday 14th November in Delamont Country Park.  The first race will start at 1:30 pm.  See our junior section for more details.

The 2nd race of the McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series takes place on Saturday 30th October in Tollymore Forest Park.  The first race will start at 10am. See our junior section for more details.


The McGrady Financial Services Junior XC Series kicked of on Sunday 26th September with race 1 in Castlewellan Forest Park.  72 very talented young athletes competed in the very successful event.  Check out the results and photos (by Mal McCann) in the junior section.  Our juniors are sporting their new vests sponsored by TSFoods.  Race 2 of the 6 race series is on Saturday 30th October in Tollymore Forest Park at 10 am.

Vote for Ciara !

Ireland’s 2010 World Junior 1,500m silver medallist Ciara Mageean has earned a nomination for the 2010 Female European Athletics Rising Star Award.

Voting takes place on the European Athletics website until 24th September.

The winners will be decided by votes from the general public, media, European Athletics Member Federations, and a panel of experts, with the results from each group of voters counting for one quarter of the athlete’s final score.

Mageean has had a brilliant 2010 season, the highlight of which was her fantastic 4:09.51 in Canada to win the 1,500m silver medal for Ireland at the World Junior Championships – the sole medal won by a non-African competitor in the women’s middle distance events.

You can vote for Ciara Mageean at http://www.european-athletics.org/european-athletics-awards-night/european-athletics-rising-star-awards-nominations-for-2010-3.html

Junior Club News Update Sept 2010

We now have 8 qualified Athletic Coaches who are qualified to coach Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Shot Putt, Discus, Javelin, all running disciplines and many indoor activities. An excellent course was provided by Athletics Ireland at Shimna College over the past 2 weekends. Also in attendance were 5 coaches from the newly formed Kilkeel Junior Club and one from Murlough AC.  Our coaches are:
Eamon McCrickard, Brian Steel, Ian Brannigan, Paul Watson, Paul Rodgers, Sean Donnelly, Jacinta Doyle and Martina Hawkins
Thanks to Shimna College and vice principal Ellen McVea for opening up the premises and allowing us to use it for the 4 days.
We now have 2 Junior Sponsors – McGrady Financial Services and TSFoods.
McGrady Financial Services (http://www.mcgradyfinancial.com) will be sponsoring a Junior XC Series which we are organising in conjunction with East Down AC.
Thanks to PJ McCrickard for arranging this.
TSFoods (http://www.tsfoods.co.uk) are sponsoring our Junior Kit.  TSFoods Logo will appear on Junior racing vests and on junior hoodies for which orders are currently being taken. Thanks to Brian Steel for arranging this.