Sophie Cements a Stunning PB at Parkrun

Race Report by Siobhan Grant

It was a very damp Saturday morning lakeside for the weekly run out at Castlewellan Parkrun. The sky probably still drying its eyes after losing an hours sleep last weekend.

None the less, with the tagline of ‘you only get wet once’, many of the Newcastle AC Juniors, their parents and a few of the Junior Coaches brought along their own sunshine in the form of their smiles and toed the line under the watchful eye of Race Director, Joe McCann.

As the race brief got underway, many of the runners, who, still half asleep, were sent into momentary panic as a convincing Mr McCann outlined that the precourse check had resulted in the need for the normal course to be rerouted due to a fallen tree on the infamous Crow Road, pausing long enough for runners to feel the fear of running up the hill to the Castle. Soon he finishing off his announcement indicating that we would be running Slievenaslat, eventually the penny dropped and everyone caught on it was just a very convincing April Fools joke. Thankfully.

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Race Around the River unlocks full house of PBs

Race Report by Siobhan Grant

On Thursday night, the yellow and red vests where spotted lining up along the River Lagan for the infamously fast course of Queens Race Around the River 3k and 5k.

Alongside a number of our Senior runners, the Juniors were out in force too.

The looped course has been home to many Personal Bests and as the evenings grow longer it was fantastic to see the 3k set off under dusky skies.

Emily McMullan had claimed earlier in the week that it was brother Ethan who was to blame for her attending this race, though I’m sure after the race she was delighted with her performance and hopefully thanked him for suggesting she takes part also. Emily set off within the large pack of runners for the 3k race which was 1 &¾ loops of the route. She held a steady pace and found great momentum to clock a 3k personal best of 12.50 for 68th place. Off the high of this performance, the next day Emily was instrumental in her school Netball team success at the NI Finals. Continue reading

Remarkable Running from Newcastle Juniors at Mallusk

Report by Siobhan Grant

On Friday, Newcastle Ac Junior runners Emily Kerr, Harry Mc Veigh and Saorlaith McAleenan made the long trip to Mallusk to take part in the Flahavans Primary XC NI Final.
Welcoming over 300 of the province’s best runners who had qualified after 3 gruelling rounds of distances ranging from 1000m to 1400m during the winter months.

The runners with the lowest scores over 2 of the 3 rounds qualified for the finals. With the competition returning to the pre covid structure resulted in qualifying becoming more difficult. As news filtered through, Saorlaith qualified with 3 points, Harry with 5 and Emily with 15 securing the last place for the individual girls qualifaction after a 7th and 8th place in Round 1 and 2. Continue reading