Spelga Skyline 2024

Report by Hill Runner
Saturday 20th July saw the Spelga Skyline race take place over a slightly modified course due to the recent buzzard attacks which many of the runners when out for a recce of the course can testify to. After the checkpoint at Ott carpark instead of going directly to Meelbeg there was a checkpoint at the saddle between Carn and Slieve Loughshannagh. Whilst adding approximately 1.4km to the race most people didn’t mind as it made the climb up Meelbeg slightly easier. Several runners ran over Slieve Loughshannagh, which is the shorter distance, but most were happy to take the path around it which appears to have been the quicker line.

At 11am everyone set off in miserable conditions with low fog and persistent rain, although, fortunately not too cold. A small group of three runners, consisting of NAC’s David Hicks, Armagh AC’s Paul McAnespie and host club BARF’s Glynn Johnston led and although swapping positions several times they crossed the finish line in that order. Hicks just under the 3hr mark in 2:59:29, McAnespie in 3:08:42 and Johnston in 3:13:45. This was enough to see the trio all take their category too.
Making the top ten was NAC’s Michael McGreevy 10th in 3:34:49, a bad line to Pierce’s Castle saw him loose 6 places which he quickly regained before Rocky. Running a consistent race for NAC was Pearse Brogan, crossing the line in 4:04:45 and 21st overall.
The ladies race was led by Newry AC’s Esther Dickson who finished 8th overall in 3:27:34, NAC’s only female entry was Sam McNeilly who finished 2nd, 28th overall in 4:18:36. Dropping a place in the latter stages it took a mighty effort in the last climb to claim it back. Finishing the ladies podium was BARF’s Shirley Farnan in 4:20:42 and FV55 too. A big thanks to BARF and race director Mark Hopkins for organising. Next NIMRA race is the 7×7’s on August 3rd.
Sam McNeilly, Pearse Brogan and David Hicks after the Spelga Skyline

Sam McNeilly, Pearse Brogan and David Hicks after the Spelga Skyline