Slieve Donard Race 2024 – Report, Results and Photos

A brief respite from the Hill & Dales for one blank Thursday only gives the regular head the balls the chance to gear the legs up to take on our biggest and baddest peak around. Saturday 11th May was the 79th consecutive staging of the Slieve Donard race, unbroken from 1945 and if historical conflicts, economic strife or recent pandemics (cough) ain’t going to postpone it then there’s not much left to stand in its way for the future. A word of appreciation to John Adgey taking on the race in his 80th year, as old as the race itself, if you’re still running up mountains naturally caps will be tipped your direction.
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Moy Park Belfast Marathon – Sunday 5 May 2024

The Belfast marathon has gone from strength to strength in recent years as the running bug continues to bite. The race was a sell out and 4376 brave souls completed the course. After months of disciplined training and commitment to weekly mileages in excess of 70 miles, athletes woke up to ideal conditions for the big test. 26.2 miles is a long way and athletes can easily come unstuck along the way. There is no accounting for what can happen, especially in the last 6 miles. In his pre-race memo to those taking part, the Prophet reiterated these sentiments, ‘remember boys and girls, it is a 20-mile warm up for a 6-mile race.’ With these wise words ringing in their ears, our 9 individuals and 2 relay teams left the opulent surrounding setting of the Stormont estate and began a journey that would take them through all parts of the city – north, south, east and west. The course has some undulations that hurt more as the miles progress and the Ormeau Road at 24 miles is the final test of stamina, will-power and endurance. Continue reading

Hill & Dales 2024 Race 4 – Binnian Race Report, Results & Photos

Tom and Áine first to the top at Binnian

Report by the other man on the Hill

It has been a big week in the parish with Newcastle and District’s very own Andy McMurray becoming an MLA during the week, and so the club now has their own man on the Hill along with many other men and women on the mountain. Congratulations Andy! And it’s great to see that he continues to commute to work by bicycle! Questions have been asked can the club now use his office on the Hill for the Cross Country and the marathon for changing and for dropping their kit? Continue reading

Hill & Dales 2024 Race 3 – Slieve Martin Race Report, Results & Photos

Report by Rory Morrow

In the first open mountain run of the 2024 Hill and Dales series, 315 hardy runners completed a gruelling race up and down Slieve Martin.

Open Mountain

With Castlewellan and Tollymore distant memories from the past fortnight, a plethora of eager runners pulled into Kilbroney Forest car park. Whilst divine intervention isn’t for all, there were surely some who said their prayers beforehand, knowing the daunting climb that lay in store. Continue reading

Newcastle AC athletes selected for Inter-Counties Team 2024

Three Newcastle AC athletes (Tom Crudgington, Ashley Crutchley and Tanya Cumming) were selected as part of the NIMRA team that travelled to Keswick, England to compete in the British Inter-counties Senior Mountain race on at the weekend. This year’s race also doubled up as the British Athletics trial race for the  “up and down” event at the Senior European Off-Road Running Championships due to take place in Annecy, France from 31st May to 2nd June 2024. Continue reading